
Update 13 June 2024: MassBank EU representatives (Steffen, Emma) will be at the Metabolomics Society meeting in Osaka June 16-20 2024 and meet with our Japanese colleagues. Please come and see us there!

Update 5 June 2024: A new MassBank-data release 2024.06 with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11487030 is available. This release contains 750 new spectra from MSSJ and 1156 new spectra from Eawag, plus welcomes "Shin-MassBank", a new contributor (plus spectra). Thank you for your contributions!

Update 29 April 2024: Michele Stravs, our long-term MassBank.EU developer, consortium member and lead programmer of RMassBank, announced he will seek new challenges later in 2024. Michele, thank you so much for your contributions. We hope you will stay in touch! His position at Eawag will be advertised shortly ...

Update 28 November 2023: Today we deployed MassBank-data release 2023.11 with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10213786. We added 19783 new spectra from the Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, Germany, 1500 spectra from Agilent (EPA ENTACT), and updated MSSJ spectra. Welcome to our new contributors!

Update 30 October 2023: Tobias Schulze, long-term MassBank.EU co-lead and developer at UFZ has taken on new challenges at UBA. UFZ still host MassBank, but the main contacts are now Steffen (IPB Halle) and Emma (LCSB, Luxembourg). Tobias, thank you so much for your contributions. Tobias is still in touch with us at MassBank, we hope this will continue!

Update 13 September 2023: Today, we updated the MassBank server to system version 2.2.4 and deployed MassBank-data release 2023.09 with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8308157. We added 810 new mass spectra provided University of Antwerp, 2072 spectra derived by UFZ, 242 new spectra from Eawag, and 56 spectra from University of Birmingham. Welcome to our new contributors!

Update 07 June 2023: Today, we updated the MassBank server to system version 2.2.3 and deployed MassBank-data release 2023.06 with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8014263. We added 63 new mass spectra provided by Agilent Technologies, 1481 spectra of 164 compounds from Eawag, 345 new spectra from MSSJ, some updated spectra from LCSB and 1005 new spectra from US EPA Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure (CCTE) in cooperation with Agilent Technologies. Welcome to our new contributors!

Update 15 December 2022: We just deployed MassBank-data release 2022.12 with the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7436394. We added 271 new mass spectra contributed by our new contributor Department of Environmental Science at Stockholm University and 10 new records of MSSJ.

Update 30 August 2022: Welcome to our latest MassBank system version 2.2. We introduced the new MassBank Accession schema. For reference, visit the section ACCESSION in the MassBank Record Format. In the case, you observe any problem with MassBank or third-party services due to the new Accession, do not hesitate to contact us.


MassBank community on GitHub

MassBank Publications

Metabolomics Spectrum Identifier Resolver

The Metabolomics Spectrum Identifier Resolver is a tool for the high resolution imaging of mass spectra from GNPS/MassIVE, MetaboLights, MS2LDA and MassBank for publications and other purposes. For example MassBank Record: AC000372 resolves in metalolomics-usi-visulation of AC000372.

MassBank RESTful API

A basic RESTful API with simple search functions is available:

An improved API is in development. Your use cases and ideas for enhancements are appreciated.